We are extremely fortunate to have the world experts in endoscopic skull base
surgery as our guests of honour at this course, and we would like to invite you to join
us on this journey, through the nose, sinuses and beyond into the skull base.
The course objectives are:
– To provide the opportunity for ENT and Neurosurgeon teams to improve their
skills on endoscopic skull base surgery and to learn the endoscopic anatomy of
the nasal cavity and sinuses through which the pituitary gland, clivus, posterior
cranial fossa, and anterior cranial fossa can be approached step-by-step.
– To comprehensively review of the endoscopic anatomy of the nose, paranasal
sinuses, and skull base.
– To identify the actual indications and limitations of minimally invasive techniques.
– To learn decision-making in the management of skull base lesions.
– To describe and demonstrate the step-wise skull base approaches.
– To comment on past, present, and future of Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery.
The course will be held right before the 1st Congress of the Confederation of the
European ORL-HNS. There are limited places available for part 1 (anatomical
dissection) and they will be distributed on a “first come, first serve” basis.