Atención! Curso pospuesto (pendiente nuevas fechas).
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to Madrid and to the XXXI Bárány Society meeting to be held on September 6th-9th, 2020.
We are very proud that this prestigious event will take place for the first time in Spain. Madrid was visited by Robert Bárány in 1923 where he came to meet the also Nobel laureate Santiago Ramón y Cajal. During that visit he met the young medical student and promissory researcher Rafael Lorente de No. The relevance of that historical fact went beyond a teaching course, a simple friendship meeting, to be one of the foundational moments of neurotology.
Today Madrid is a dynamic and stylish city, a renowned international centre for business development as well as the arts and science. There are convenient connections to the other great cities of the world and the inner routes provide modern and fast ways to reach all the places in this old country rich in its diversity of history and beauty.
The Congress will focus on major breakthroughs and advances in Vestibular Medicine and will provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the latest research developments primarily in the areas of molecular biology, neurophysiology and imaging diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment and rehabilitation. Some of these goals will be accomplished during the satellite meeting on Vestibular Science in the city of Granada that will be held on September 4th-5th, 2020, before the main meeting.
We will also offer a varied social program to provide an opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. We are confident that our scientific organisation, together with the Spanish hospitality, will make the XXXI Bárány Society Meeting another memorable event.
President XXXI Bárány Society Meeting:
Prof. Dr. Nicolás Pérez Fernández
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