Aim of this course, which is now in its fourth edition, is to off er an overview of the applications of trans-nasal endoscopic surgery,
starting from simple procedures performed under local anesthesia to more extensive operations adopted for infl ammatory disease,
benign and malignant sino-nasal tumors, skull-base diseases, sellar and parasellar lesions, down to the clivus, nasopharynx and craniovertebral junction.
Also thanks to the University of Brescia support, the course will provide a hands-on session, followed by an interactive live surgery section.
The first three days will be dedicated to the endoscopic endonasal dissection of injected, fresh frozen specimens. At the Gross Anatomy Laboratory of the University of Brescia directed by Prof. Luigi F. Rodella each working station is complete of endoscopic skull base surgery equipment, as well as CT-based navigation. Two participants and one observer will be assigned to each station and will be supervised by at least one faculty member to allow for a personalized tuition. Each step will be preceded by 3D-HD videos explained by the faculty members, as well as demonstrations with 4K technology.
The following two days will be dedicated to live surgery, with three running operating rooms, in which diff erent operations will be shown and discussed step by step. As well as watching the operations from the connected meeting room, participants and observers will have the chance of observing surgery directly in the OR. Lectures will be provided by the local and international faculty, all recognized leaders not only in the fi elds of endonasal endoscopic surgery and endoscopic skull base surgery, but also in other essential specialties, such as radiology and pathology.
Aim of the course is indeed to provide a thorough journey in this exciting fi eld, showing the importance of multidisciplinarity, from the
anatomy laboratory to the clinical, multispecialty collaboration. Five intense days are awaiting for you with the chance of interacting directly and informally with world experts in the fi eld. The course includes an informal social dinner with all faculty and participants on Thursday July 12th. Aim of all the faculty is to share their expertise with you.
We look forward to seeing you in Brescia!