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International hands-on course introduction to Robotics in head and neck surgery

noviembre 28, 2020 @ 8:00 am - noviembre 29, 2020 @ 5:00 pm



  • Jose Granell
  • Raimundo Gutierrez
  • Fonseca Francisco Fernandez-Nogueras

We are ready to go on with the 8th edition of the hands-on course Introduction to Robotics in Head and Neck Surgery.

The course is aimed to head and neck surgeons interested in approaching robotic surgery. It follows the usual training pathway in robotic surgery and provides surgical skills although it is not a substitute for the official crediting of the da Vinci robotic surgery system manufacturer.

It is a practical and intensive two-days hands-on course conducted full- time in an experimental surgical set-up. Attendants will be able to drive different versions of the da Vinci from the original standard to the Xi and realize that both the underlying philosophy of the tele-manipulation and the endowrist instruments or the micromanipulators have not substantially changed from its original design. Some might even appreciate going back to the 5 mm (and by the way getting ready for the Single Port).

We will have general technical training in tele-surgery and specifically in the da Vinci robotic surgery system, followed by hands-on in inert models and in human cadaver. Every trainee will perform as first surgeon at the console all of the basic procedures of TransOral Robotic Surgery (TORS), and will also assist or observe on the rest of the cases. Local reconstructive procedures and remote access will also be introduced.

We will also be able to discuss in a relaxed environment our clinical experience in head and neck cancer and sleep apnea, all of it in the cosy and unique city of Granada.

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noviembre 28, 2020 @ 8:00 am
noviembre 29, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
Categoría del Evento:


Madrid, Madrid España + Google Map