We present our 8º Course on Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSAS).
During this ENGLISH edition of the course, we will review the advantages of drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE), as well as major techniques for tongue and palate surgery.
This is a theory and practice-based course: Come and join us with master class conferences, attend live-surgery seminars and participate in cadaver-dissection workshops.
Peter Baptista. Otorhinolaryngologist. Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain.
Carlos O’Connor. Chief of Otorhynolaryngology, Hospital Quiron Marbella, Málaga. HospitalQuiron Campo de Gibraltar. Cádiz, Spain.
Guillermo Plaza. Chief of Otorhynolaryngology, Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela. Madrid, Spain.
Límited to 16 students for dissection workshops.
1,000€. IT INCLUDES: our book on OSAS, conferences, surgical videos, attendance of live-surgery OR and participation in dissection.
June 17-18th 2021
Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Department of Anatomy
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