Dear Colleagues,
Romania has the honor to organize in 2017, the 42nd Conventus Societas ORL Latina.
The Societas ORL Latina has grown very much in the last years, reaching up to 26 countries – members and 40 affiliate countries of total 84 latin origin countries around the world. In 2010 and 2012 the congresses held on South American continent had registered over 1,000 participants each, which reflect the major interest for this society, its development and prestige.
This is the 4th time in the history of Societas ORL Latina (founded in 1929) when Conventus will be organized in Romania, (1937 – Prof. Nicholas Metianu; 1984 – Prof. Dr. Dorin Hociota; 2006 – Prof. Dr. Dorin Sarafoleanu) .
It is my pleasure to announce and also to invite you to attend this international congress which will be held in junction with The 4th Congress of Romanian Rhinologic Society, from 6 to 9 September 2017, at the International Conferences Centre, «Casino», Sinaia, Romania.
Taking in account the honour to be voted as the organizer of the 42nd Conventus Societas ORL Latina we considered appropriate to organize both congresses in the same time, to provide you an unforgettable scientific and social experience.
Prof. Codrut Sarafoleanu
President of the 42nd Conventus Societas ORL Latina
General Secretary of the Romanian Rhinologic Society