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113th Temporal Bone Dissection Course

febrero 7 @ 8:00 am - febrero 8 @ 5:00 pm


The Clínica Clarós Temporal Bone Dissection Courses seeks to bring practicing ENT Trainees and Specialists up to date with the latest techniques in ear surgery. Faculty will provide lectures on temporal bone anatomy, ear surgery techniques, cochlear implantation, middle ear and skull base surgery and will engage in stimulating discussions and dissection demonstrations. Under the guidance of faculty, course participants will perform dissections on two fresh temporal bones. Since 1983 we have had the oportunity of training more than 2100 ORL Residents & Specialists from Spain and all over the world.

It is the ideal opportunity to be taught by, as well as participating in temporal bone dissection lab. We know what each participant needs.

1st DAY: Dissection of right temporal bone under the strict supervision of the Professor.
2nd DAY: Finishing the dissection of the right temporal bone and train your drilling skils by yourself on the Left Temporal Bone, with the help of Professor if is needed.

Plazas limitadas. 
Sede: Permanent Instructional Anatomical Laboratory. Centro Médico-Dental Clarós (Grupo Clarós).
Calle Rajoleria, 12 – 08840 Viladecans (Barcelona).
Más información:

Clínica Clarós. Course Department
C/ Los Vergós, 29-31
08017 Barcelona
Tel. +34 932031212



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febrero 7 @ 8:00 am
febrero 8 @ 5:00 pm
Categoría del Evento:


Centro Médico-Dental Clarós
Calle Rajoleria, 12
VILADECANS, Barcelona 08840
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